What are charitable patient assistance foundations?

About charitable patient assistance foundations

Charitable patient assistance foundations are independent, nonprofit organizations that provide financial assistance to patients living with life-threatening, chronic, and rare diseases for their out-of-pocket prescription medication costs. These foundations sometimes provide other patient services and initiatives, such as other types of financial assistance, referrals to other patient support organizations, and patient advocacy and education.

Each charitable patient assistance foundation operates independently and may offer varying programs and services, require different eligibility criteria for patients, and maintain distinct policies governing their programs. It’s important to conduct research to determine the best charitable foundation for you.

Why charitable assistance programs exist

High out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs can often lead patients to delay or go without their needed medications and treatments. In fact, a Kaiser Family Foundation poll found that 43 percent of U.S. adults report that they or a family member have delayed healthcare due to cost.

And while pharmaceutical manufacturers can assist uninsured or commercially insured patients through their patient assistance programs, they are unable to provide direct support to patients enrolled in federally funded insurance programs—including Medicare Part D—due to federal regulations.

Independent charitable patient assistance foundations and healthcare advocacy organizations, like the PAN Foundation, exist to fill this gap for thousands of federally insured patients every year who often live on fixed incomes, have multiple chronic illnesses, and face significant challenges affording their out-of-pocket prescription medication costs. Without programs such as PAN’s patient assistance funds these patients would have nowhere else to turn.

What patients and healthcare professionals should look for in a foundation

When patients, or their healthcare professionals, are evaluating foundations in their search for financial assistance, there are many considerations that are top-of-mind. These considerations include but are not limited to:  

  • Does the organization use objective, uniform eligibility criteria?  
  • How long does the application process take? 
  • How quickly will I know if I receive funding?  
  • Once approved, how soon can I start using my grant?   
  • If a disease fund is closed, is there a wait list available?  
  • How secure will my personal health information be?  

The PAN Foundation takes pride in our commitment to putting patients first. That’s why we are committed to connecting patients with the financial support they need in a timely, yet compliant, manner. Patients—or their healthcare professionals—can easily apply for a grant, find out if they’ve been approved, and start using their grant in minutes. 

What donors should look for in a foundation

To provide financial assistance to patients in a compliant and ethical way, charitable patient assistance foundations must adhere to local, state, and federal laws, regulations, and government guidance—including but not limited to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) Advisory Opinions and the federal Anti-Kickback Statute. The PAN Foundation is committed to meeting the highest standards of compliance, integrity, and operational excellence.

Other charitable patient assistance foundations

The PAN Foundation is one of nine independent charitable patient assistance foundations that exist in the United States. And while we are committed to connecting thousands of patients across the country with support each year, the need from patients for financial assistance often far outpaces the funding that’s available. 

If we are unable to assist you with your out-of-pocket treatment costs, please visit one of the following organizations to determine if they can help you:   

*Note: This resource list is intended to serve as a reference guide only and does not indicate the PAN Foundation’s support or endorsement. In addition, PAN cannot determine or guarantee whether patients will be eligible for assistance from these organizations. 

Other patient resources

PAN’s patient support network

We recognize that dealing with a serious illness can have a profound impact on the emotional health of patients, caregivers, and family members. This is why we partner with national patient advocacy organizations that support the entire patient journey through our alliance partner model.

Patient resources for diverse communities

In addition, we are committed to connecting patients with resources beyond financial assistance, with an intentional focus on supporting historically underserved and marginalized communities. We aim to help connect patients from within these communities with external organizations who provide specific support to them.

About the PAN Foundation

Founded in 2004, the PAN Foundation is one of the nation’s largest charitable organizations, providing financial assistance that helps people afford their prescription medications. We serve as a critical safety net for people who are living with chronic and rare diseases and who, despite their insurance coverage, need more help. We help our patients improve their quality of life while we also advocate for long-term policies that help improve healthcare access, affordability, and equity for all.